The past 30 days
How much you got?
When I want to know how serious an entrepreneur is about building their SaaS or mobile app, I don’t ask whether they have enough money.
I ask about their marketing.
That tells me whether they are seriously thinking about their product.
And whether they can finance it.
Shacking up
When it comes to partnering up with a cofounder, what you don’t know really can hurt you.
Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs get starry eyed about their business idea and are willing to hop in to bed with just about anyone that shows interest.
Just like any other long term relationship, you have to ask hard questions, find out as much as you can about each other, and be willing to have some difficult conversations.
Big problems in little Frisco
Customers who demand big discounts are customers who will be big problems.
Technology market fit
“What language/framework/technology should we use to build this?” is never the first question you should ask.
Or even the hundredth question?
What technology should you choose to develop your product or service should be so far down the decision list of what you’re building and how you’re building it is an afterthought.
Unless of course, the technology is the product. Then forget everything I just said.
Terrible technical solution
Your technical co-founder will turn out terrible code in the first version.
The code that ran Facebook or eBay in the earliest days was dreadful.
MVP really does mean minimum viable product, even when you are talking about code.
Not That Kind Of Co-Founder
If I was the type of technical founder, who upon being approached by a random stranger, let’s say by email, or at a networking meet-up, that was to immediately drop everything to chase off after an idea based on nothing but a brief conversation and the promise of some equity down the road, I probably wouldn’t be the kind of co-founder you would be looking for.
Fortunately for the both us, I’m not.
Nature of the beastly funds
The nature of fund raising is that you are going to have to learn an awful lot about the various VC funds that are out there that go way beyond a few names and email addresses and putting your investor in your speed dial.
Demanding the essentials
On demand weed delivery.
You know someone is going to do it should we ever legalise marijuana.
And the next evolution of that will be on demand weed delivery with a side order of cookies and pizza.
Waiting For An Idea To Fall!
“3% of something huge [the next Facebook] is better than 100% of nothing.” is based on a faulty assumption that technical entrepreneurs are standing around with their hands in their pockets waiting to be given an idea.
This makes me appear bigger
At some point you will ask your technical co-founder a difficult question they won’t understand or will challenge their ego and the developer will put their hands behind their head and lean back in their chair.
And that’s okay, because you want to know where the limits of their knowledge are, but also where their comfort zone is.
Discriminatory practice
Requiring a user to reveal their gender via mandatory use of a courtesy title, e.g. “Mr” or “Mrs” or “Miss”, for your SaaS or product means you are directly breaking an untold number of gender discrimination laws.
Network issues
Want to be better at connecting?
Get out from behind your keyboard and your cellphone and then finally, get out of the office.
Commit to making a new strong connection with someone in your network.
Pick up the phone, send out an email; arrange a coffee meeting. Get out there.
You will be surprised what can come of it, even when nothing more than a good discussion comes of it.
Terrible feedback
The problem with soliciting feedback is not that action won’t be taken on the feedback.
It’s that invisible action is taken on the feedback.
Your audience can offer many ways for you to improve your product or service.
But if that feedback disappears into a black hole, never to resurface, or possibly be implemented many months or years down the line, the frustration your audience will feel is in the fact that their opinion or feedback was ignored.
It’s okay to tell them that you cannot take action.
It is the act of invisible action that your audience will find frustrating.
Messaging and signalling to your audience in a specific way about the action take (or not taken) is more powerful than doing exactly what they want but never telling them you did it.
To be a success first you must fail
The more you fail, the more you will have success.
If you attempt a moon shot on your first try, and you fail, and you fail big, that’s it.
Game Over!
There’s probably no second chance.
But how many of us ever try to do a moon shot project on our first attempt?
How many try to open with a piano recital at Carnegie Hall, tonight, having never touched a piano before?
When we don’t know what we’re doing, we try to do little things first.
We might fail.
But the failure is low-risk.
It’s a teaching moment.
It’s valuable because we hopefully learn from what our failure was.
And by repeated attempts, and repeated failure, we get better.
And the exact same thing applies to everything that we do.
The more we fail at something, the more successful we will be.
Two of my favourite things
Some times your product is expensive.
And other times your product feels expensive.
Which are both completely different to over-priced.
Discount metrics
A SaaS (or product) business that has been in business for any length of time should always, and on a regular basis, e.g. every other quarter, figure out why discounts are given.
You might have a bundling discount built in to your service (or product): “buy two, get one free!”
You might have a sign-up discount for longevity: “sign up for two years and get 20% off your second year!”
Your discount metrics will tell you where you are leaving money on the table.
But more importantly, it will show you where you can convert users in to paying customers, or increase the yield of a customer by offering a negligible to you (but significant to the customer) discount.
Revolving details
“If we asked the customer what they wanted, they would have told us they wanted a faster horse.”
I’m paraphrasing here.
We repeat this idea that it is the world-changers that give customers products and services they don’t even know what they want.
And that is true to an extent.
Henry Ford didn’t give the customer a faster horse.
Steve Jobs didn’t give the customer a faster computer.
Richard Branson didn’t give the customer a faster airline.
What these three entrepreneurs did was give the customer a completely different product.
They painted the grand vision.
Then, they listened exceedingly carefully, after they delivered the product, to what the customer wanted.
Entrepreneurs should deal in revolutionary products.
Customers will tell you, in excruciating detail, what they want in those revolutionary products.
And please don’t try and give us a prettier Craiglist either.
Discriminative practices
So many VCs and investment funds specialising in funding only racial minorities or female entrepreneurs.
I wonder, if an investment fund popped up with a mission statement that read “We only fund middle-class white males” whether it would be decried as being racist or sexist.
If you can change the gender, or the race, or the religion of the target group from minority to majority, and people start taking umbrage, then even if you mean well, you’re still guilty of discrimination.
A war of attrition
If you don’t have a documented discount policy that you strongly adhere too, at some point the future you are going to have customers that either need to be fired, or that you will lose because they are no longer getting the discount they expected (demanded?) when they first signed up.
I like my ideas medium-rare and chewy
You will go to your technical co-founder with a half-baked idea and thy will implement it how they think it should work.
A valuable lesson for you is that you need to understand how to document and build a feature that leaves no room for interpretation rather than leaving it up to someone else’s interpretation.
If you don’t learn how to do this, as your technical team scales, it will reach a natural upper limit of implementation velocity as people wait around for you to figure out what else needs to be done or fixed.
It will also lead to frustration (mostly yours) as you forget that you asked for that, or didn’t ask for that, or asked for something completely different.
Testing the relationship
In six months’ time you will be dazzled by someone with an opinion on the best way to implement this and your current technical co-founder will get offended.
Your relationship with your technical co-founder will be tested, and sometimes needs to be tested.
Go for it. Then keep going for it.
I cannot emphasise enough that it is your perseverance, your doggedness, your tenacity, your refusal to “just quit and get a job” is what will drive you to far greater success in your start-up endeavour than any other skill or character trait you may possess.
Let’s be the next Amazon
Gross margins by product vertical may be boring to talk about, and almost as boring to think about (trust me on that), but they are a strong indicator of whether a start-up can be profitable.
If you have a start-up and the only unique feature, in fact, your unique selling point, is delivering a product or service, that someone else manufactures, with a very minimal gross margin, then you’re in trouble.
You will make a lot of sales, but you won’t make much money.
I stopped listening at “How hard would it be…?”
You will start a discussion about a feature you would like, that you thought of the night before, and your technical co-founder will quite evidently stop listening.
And that’s okay, because you need to learn how to plan by planning.
Co-founder comms
You will not understand why your technical co-founder is taking so long to implement a simple feature and they won’t be able to articulate that there is still foundational work to undertake.
And that’s okay, because that inarticulation is where the developer’s knowledge of how to communicate the concept simply ends and where your lack of foundational knowledge begins.
Trading co-working places
Your technical co-founder will present you five ways to solve a seemingly simple problem.
And that’s okay because you have to understand that all technical solutions are really a series of trade-offs; money, time, effort, and so on.
Looks like I am working through launch again
You will ask your technical co-founder “How hard would it be…?” about two hours before you launch your new app.
And your technical co-founder will have a breakdown.
Because you need to learn, not every feature needs to be done right now.
Worse Than Useless
Usefulness is contextual.
A sharp knife in the hands of a meat butcher is useful when cutting up meat.
A sharp knife in a gun fight fought at 100 meters… not so much.
The thing is, if you attempt to design a product that is useful in as many scenarios as possible you end up with weird products sold on late night TV shopping channels.
Invariably your customers would rather have two items that do two distinctly different task and do them exceptionally well, than a single item that does two distinctly different tasks mediocrely.
When you’re planning your SaaS or product offering or consultancy service, don’t just segment your audience, segment your features too.
Meatloaf was 66% correct
Some of the rudest actions I have ever been witness to is a non-technical co-founder asking me for a status update on a difficult problem.
Pulling me out of flow.
And within a minute of me starting my explanation the co-founder is staring at their phone; checking their email, checking messages, or whatever.
At that point in the early days of a co-founder relationship the three foundational aspects of a good co-founder relationship (like, respect, trust) become one (trust) and it will take a lot of effort to gain back the missing two.
Refereeing those referrals
Employee referral programmes for future hires are known to work.
All too frequently though I run in to an employee referral programme with exclusions built-in that you only find out about after the referral – this has been one of the biggest complaints that I’ve heard repeatedly from people who refer other potential new hires to the company they work for.
“Oh, we don’t pay out referral bonuses if you are a contractor.”
“We don’t pay referral bonuses when we hire a contractor on a temporary basis.”
“We don’t pay referral bonuses if the new hire is related to you.”
“We don’t pay referral bonuses unless the person gets hired in to your department.”
“We’ don’t pay referral bonuses if the person gets hired in to your department.”
“We don’t pay referral bonuses if someone else in the company also knows the person (but didn’t refer them) because it wouldn’t be fair.”
If your referral bonus programme has exclusions, I suggest you get rid of the exclusions immediately, and instruct HR to never, ever prevent an employee (or contractor) from receiving a well-earned referral bonus.
Because the moment you prevent someone from getting their referral bonus due to an exclusion you have shut down all future referrals from that person and their network.
And do you really want to cut off a a potential source of great new hires just to save a few thousand dollars?